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SKU: 9319209002199

Juro Sinker Dial Packs

Vendor Juro
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If you think that as a Luderick angler you have seen every float that ever been deployed to catch a fish, then think again. Take a look online and google fishing floats. The range of styles, designs shapes and applications really has to be seen to be believed. One thing is a certainty though and that is all floats have a common requirement which is that they all need to be finely tuned to sit correctly in the water. The way to fine tune your float, is to use strategically placed split shot sinkers. Getting your float sitting exactly as you want it is, however, only half of the story. You also need to get your bait placed exactly where you would like it in the water column, relative to structure and relative to the position of your float. All this is effected by wind, tide and current, the size of you bait and type of bait.

It is the split shot sinker that allows you to fine tune your rig to get all components performing to your specs. A range of split shot sizes is imperative. The Juro Split shot dial pack is a perfect way to purchase, store and dispense your split shots. All the common sizes are included and at an affordable price. Make sure you keep the pack, it can be restocked again and again.

Features and Specifications

  • Soft split shot
  • Sinkers contained in a fantastic easy to use divided container
  • Sinker sizes: 8, 6, 4, 2, BB, SSG & AAA


  • You have a perfect selection of easy to attach sinkers to fine tune your rig.
  • Ideal for the float angler, particularly the Luderick angler.
  • Split shot are excellent for placing your baits perfectly in the water column.
  • Split shots are perfect for those that fish lightweight. Split shots can be added directly above the hook to get your bait sitting exactly where you want it.
  • A great way to purchase and store and dispense your split shots. They can be very difficult to handle because they are so small. With the Juro pack, there is no more searching for the proverbial needle in a hay stack.

Every angler that uses a float or may use a float really needs a stock of split shot sinkers. The Juro pack covers the most common sizes in an easy to carry, easy to store dispenser/container. The Juro Split shot dial pack sinkers are for sale now at a great price.